La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

metatarsus varus [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2012-02-01


Subject field(s)
  • Bones and Joints

A fixed deformity in which the forepart of the foot is rotated on the long axis of the foot so that the plantar surface faces the midline of the body.


  • Os et articulations

Déviation du premier métatarsien en dedans par rapport à l'axe du pied.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 1998-03-03


Subject field(s)
  • Symptoms (Medicine)
  • Musculoskeletal System

An adduction deformity of the forefoot in relation to the hind foot.


The two terms, metatarsus adductus and metatarsus varus, are used interchangeably to describe essentially the same condition. The purist would differentiate between the two by stating that in the metatarsus adductus there is no supination of the forefoot and that in the varus deformity, supination is present. Yet, clinically, the metatarsus varus appears to be nothing more than a more severe type of adduction deformity of the metatarsals.


The term "metatarsus adductus" was recommended by the Medical Signs and Symptoms Committee.


  • Symptômes (Médecine)
  • Appareil locomoteur (Médecine)

Déformation de l'avant-pied en adduction par rapport à l'arrière-pied.


Le terme «pes adductus» a été privilégié par le Comité des sémiologie médicale.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Síntomas (Medicina)
  • Sistema musculoesquelético (Medicina)
Conserver la fiche 2

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